BIG Introductions! We met Lucy last Friday, who is exactly 4 weeks younger than Abby. Her parents and I already joke about how Lucy and Abby will make great cross country teammates! It's fun to have another little baby for Abby to play with... we're excited for Kelly to have hers too and add to the fun!
BIG Success! Abby and I went and watched Uncle Brady at his section wrestling meet. He took first and is headed to state this weekend! We're hoping he makes it to finals on Saturday so we can go watch and cheer him on again.
BIG Sleep! Abby still isn't sleeping too much at night... she doesn't always wake up because she's hungry. Sometimes she needs to burp or spit up a little, and sometimes she's just too congested and needs to be walked around a little so she can breathe again. We talked to the doctor about it during her check-up, and he said that sleeping her at a 45 degree angle would probably help. Makes sense... Abby sleeps really well in her swing and car seat, which are about the right angle. He also said that the car seat is ok to sleep an infant in at night. So, we gave it a go last night, and Abby slept for about 4 1/2 hours straight! Hopefully this is just the beginning of a lot of long sleeps at night!