Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Jumperoo.

I know I already created a post tonight, but we set up Abby's Jumperoo because she is so wiggly and squirmy and always on the go and thought it would give her something to do. She loved it, and looked so cute I just had to share. Look at her little legs dangling!! She's got a bit to grow:)

There are little toys that hang from the top of the Jumperoo... Abby caught sight of one and wanted it!


Last week we packed our bags and headed to Florida to stay with Connie and Steve. It was a much needed vacation and a wonderful time for our little family! Abby loved the warm weather... I think she was born for the outdoors. We got to spend time with Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt Ashlee, Great Grandma Vera and Wes, and a lot of the Schrupp's as well. Abby was great on the plane ride... a little fussy at times, but really not bad at all. I was so proud! Here are some pics from our trip...

Relaxing on Grandpa's lap.

Cuddling with Grandma Vera.

Sleeping at the beach!
Wearing Grandpa's hat... Abby's was too big!
Swimming in the pool with Daddy.
Aunt Cheryl holding Abby at the Mucky Duck.

Hanging out with the cousins... it was so good to meet up with them!

The classic kiss at sunset picture.:)

Aunt Ashlee and AJ.

Happy birthday Grandpa!

How cute is this sundresss?! The hat almost fits...

Sleeping at the pool.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

2 months! Oh my goodness!

My little peanut is two months old already. Unbelievable. She's up to 8lbs 10oz and continues to develop her personality... and somewhat of a schedule (which mommy appreciates). Abby talks all the time and smiles more and more. It's so much fun and always brightens my day! I'm back at work full time this week, which I wouldn't feel near as good about if we didn't have such a good daycare set-up. Kayla is awesome, and even took and printed these pictures for us!

Abby had her two month shots yesterday... She cried so hard! I cried too... it was hard to see her in pain and I couldn't make it go away. I also felt so guilty... here I was holding her hands and kissing her face like usual, and she had no idea what was about to happen. My poor little girl. It knocked her out too... she slept most of the day and most of the night. She seemed back to normal this morning though. I will do everything I can to make sure Chad takes her to the next appointment!