Thursday, November 27, 2008

Part 4- October.

I had to go to South Dakota during harvest, so Auntie Stevee came up to take care of Abby Jo. She took lots of pictures for us!

Mmmm... nothing like a good book/space heater manual!

Oh yes, actual books are better.

October brings pheasant season, which makes Dakotah very happy.

Chad, Dad, and Lane actually shot an albino pheasant!

Future musician?

Or Rubik's Cube genius?

Best friends:)

Our two girls, cute as can be.

Part 3- End of September

End of September, a couple of the munchkins came to hang out at our house! Dani hammed it up for the camera, Courtney zoned into the TV, Troy didn't want to do anything but be cuddled, and Abby went off to play on her own!

Grandpa came over, and had a knee for each of his two youngest grandkids. I've never seen him look prouder.

Abby also learned to pull herself up in her crib (and has since moved on to pulling herself up on a lot of other things). She's been pretty fun to watch.

Abby sportin' a shirt her Aunt Lacee gave her. It says, "If you think I'm cute, you should see my Aunt!"

More naked pictures:). She just does not like to get dressed after her bath!

Part 2- Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?!

Early in September, Abby went to her very first football game! The end of the month brought a heat wave, but early in the month she needed to be bundled up!

Abby Jo with Gramma. Looks a little tired!

And with Grandpa!

After the game, the boys from both teams joined for a prayer. It was awesome to watch!

Abby Jo was so proud of her uncle Brady. He had a great game.

Harvest and travel season are finally over!! Part 1- Summer left-overs.

Now that harvest is over and travel season is only a few days away from completion, I finally have the time to go through and update AJ's blog!

This picture below is one of my favorites! End of August we went to my third (Chad counts him as a second) cousin's wedding out in Wishek, ND. It was a crazy hot weekend, but the wedding was gorgeous and it was great to see everyone. Two days before we went out to ND, Abby had a 105 degree temp due to an ear infection. That night I don't think Chad or I slept for more than a couple hours at a time without waking up to check on her. She was still recovering the whole weekend, but she was such a trooper!

Abby Jo with her big cousin Taelyn. I have a feeling these two girls will be great friends!

Wes and Vera made their annual trip up to the lake. It was so good to see them both!

Abby and Carsen hung out a few times this summer! Carsen was much more content to hang out in the stroller than AJ.

We got to see cousin Logan a couple times this summer. Next summer he'll be able to give AJ a run for her money, I'm sure!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Troy!

Oh Troy boy...

Bathing beauty:)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Video clips.

Chad calls this "Abby's Ghetto Crawl":) She started doing this mid-July, but she's actually got the true crawl down a bit more now.

Even though she's pretty good at scooting around, AJ still loves to walk around! Here she is with Gramma Shirley again! And yes, that noise she's making is actually kind of a laugh.

A long time comin'...

It's been awhile since I've posted anything, so here's a quick recap of the summer!

Over the 4th of July, all of the Nuests were at the cabin. Abby and Troy really started to check each other out and respond to each other!

We tried to get a picture of all the kids... this is the best we could do!

Troy boy after eating who-knows-what off the ground. Doesn't seem to phase him... he's such a happy little guy!

Abby's buddy Cooper from Peoria also came up this summer. He belongs to Zach and Jessi... Zach is one of Chad's best friends. Abby LOVED Cooper's soft, long hair and went right for it when we put them next to each other.

Poor Cooper!!

Don't worry, they're still friends.

Great-Grandma Shirley came up to take care of Abby one day when I was sick. Gramma helped AJ do one of her favorite things... walk around!

More of AJ's favorite things....

... eating her toes!

...practicing her gymastics skills. Check out those splits!

... watching Baby Einstein.

... sleeping with Daddy.

Some pictures from Troy's first birthday.

How cute is this swimsuit?! AJ absolutely loves the water.