See what's missing? After a fun-filled evening at Grandma and Grandpa Nuest's, I hauled reluctant kiddos home. We walked into the house, Jett protesting all the while, and, to get him laughing, I started swinging him around, tickling him, and jumping with him on the couch. I tossed him onto the couch cushion, and he proceeded to bounce off the cushion and nail his mouth (with nuk) into the back of the couch. Wouldn't have been that big a deal had we not removed the back cushions to make forts earlier in the day, but, as it were, hard back of couch hit nuk hit front right tooth, jamming right up into his gum.
A panicked call to Grandma Connie, a quick trip to the ER, and I was assured that he was ok, but we needed to see the dentist this week. So that's where we're headed today.
By the way, if you ask Jett what happened, he'll say, "Mommy throw me." Ugh. Guilt trip.
I am so glad you got a pic...you will laugh at this someday! Did he get the tooth pulled down??
How cute is he in that picture? I didn't even know it was possible to ram a tooth up into your gum! When I was 3, I busted out BOTH of my front teeth......and was toothless in that spot for the next 3 years.
But I don't think Worst Mommy is the right way to look at this! Building forts, tickling, jumping on the couch..... that's not worst mommy kind of stuff. : )
Awwww... thanks for the encouragement ladies:). Hard not to feel a bit guilty, though!
They're actually going to leave the tooth in... best case scenario, it "erupts" and just goes back to its normal place. Other scenarios: gets infected and needs to get pulled, or fuses to bone and requires surgery. I'll take option 1, please!
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